Here's the arsenal I got ready to go! I chose a lot of ballads to showcase the tone and range of each instrument but I can always provide more samples upon request. This page will by updated as my collection of unique voices continues to grow! Stay tuned!

(NOTE: All backing tracks are from various Aebersold play-a-longs and if you wanna know which ones in particular, just ask!)

Sax Samples

Albano The Madman

My #1 love in this world and my favorite instrument to play! The longest and most successful relationship I've ever had! ... ::sob:: I have a ton of different voices here...dig the stark difference between the straight and standard alto saxes! Whatever you need, I reasonable rates for performance and recording!

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Clarinet Samples

Albano The Madman

Soprano through Contrabass! A world of colors on an instrument usually reserved for torturing grade-schoolers and college big band kids. I especially love my bass and contrabass clarinets!

Dig the Contralto! It sits between the bass and contrabass and is particularly useful as an alternative to the bass in highly technical passages requiring

Soprano through Contrabass! A world of colors on an instrument usually reserved for torturing grade-schoolers and college big band kids. I especially love my bass and contrabass clarinets!

Dig the Contralto! It sits between the bass and contrabass and is particularly useful as an alternative to the bass in highly technical passages requiring precision that a bass clarinet can't provide below it's written Eb/D, while still retaining a bass clarinet's basic tonal characteristics.

Whatever you need, I reasonable rates for performance and recording!

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